Discover Japanese novels, film, and manga from our collections in the General Reading Room.
We're celebrating Japanese fiction in our collections. The works on display focus on stories created and told by writers, film makers, animators, and manga artists from Japan and the Japanese diaspora.
You'll find both traditional and modern classics of Japanese literature. This includes manga and anime, Japanese cinema, emigration and immigration, gender and sexuality, and horror and crime genres. The role of cats in Japanese novels is also explored!
The diverse genres and styles of Japanese fiction that have been translated into or written in English demonstrate the international audience for Japanese works. Have a seat in our comfy armchair and delve into the books yourself.
Some of the titles on display include:
- ‘The Tale of Genji’ by Murasaki Shikibu;
- ‘Convenience Store Woman’ by Sayaka Murata;
- ‘The Remains of the Day’ by Kazuo Ishiguro; and
- The works of Studio Ghibli.
Please note that you need to be a member of the Library to access this display.
About Open Shelves
Open Shelves is a changing display of reference material in the General Reading Room. A new theme is chosen every few months.
This space is dedicated to showcasing the range of our collections and being a source of interest and learning. Within it you'll find a range of books focusing on a theme that spotlights people who have historically been left out of such collections.
Opening hours
Monday: 10am to 7pm
Tuesday: 10am to 7pm
Wednesday: 10am to 7pm
Thursday: 10am to 7pm
Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: Closed