View or read the organisational structure of the National Library of Scotland.

Organisational structure text description
The National Librarian and Chief Executive drive our strategy and create connections across the sector. All other teams and directorates sit under them.
The Librarian's Office support the National Librarian in their work.
See our Board section for more information.
- Finance
- Estates
- Human resources
- Procurement
- Security
- Health and Safety
- Systems application and development
- IT support
- IT infrastructure
- Digital engagement
- Digitisation
- Imaging services
- Development
- Media and external relations
- Public programmes
- Visitor services
- Legal deposit and ingest
- Collections support services
- Collections care and digital preservation
- Metadata
- SCURL (Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries)
- ALDL (Agency for Legal Deposit Library)
- General Collections
- Rare books, maps, and music
- Archives and manuscripts
- Moving image and sound
- Reader services
- Collections specialist