'The lady of the lake'
by Sir Walter Scott,
Edinburgh: 1866.
by Sir Walter Scott,
Edinburgh: 1866.

'Scotland, her songs and
London: 1868.
London: 1868.
In 1845, Henry Talbot published 'Sun pictures in Scotland', inspired by Sir Walter Scott's works, starring Scotland and its beautiful landscape.
Talbot photographed locations and landscapes mentioned in Scott's writing, along with Scott's home at Abbotsford and his tomb in Dryburgh Abbey.
Photography and literature
Photographs of landscapes began to illustrate popular literature relating to Scotland. This included Queen Victoria's 'Leaves from the journal', compilations of poems such as 'Scotland, her songs and scenery', and the works of Scott.
Photographs from Scottish literature were on display in '"Sun-pictures" and beyond', at the Library from 30 November 2016 to 26 March 2017.